Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why kids need to go to school.

Kids need to go to school because they need to learn how to do certain things to get a job in the real world. If a child doesn't know how to add,subtract, multiply, or divide how are are they going to get a job at McDonalds. I don't know how these children think that they know everything and they don't go to school. Most children that go to school don't stay in school for long; they either end up dropping out or going to other schools thinking that they will do better knowing that they will do the same thing that they did at the school that they left from. All of the others who stay in school they are most likely to graduate their senior year or if they're lucky their junior year because they did what they needed to do during their four years of high school. I believe that if children payed attention in school  they wouldn't have a hard time finding a job in the future.  

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